Japanese Hanami Culture

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はるになると日本中にほんじゅう花見はなみという伝統でんとう行事ぎょうじ行われます 花見はなみとはさくらはな観賞しながら楽しむ行事ぎょうじことです 通常つうじょう3がつ下旬げじゅんから4がつ上旬じょうじゅんにかけて行われ多く人々ひとびと公園こうえん川沿かわぞ集まります

花見はなみ歴史れきし古く平安時代へいあんじだい794-1185ねんさかのぼります 当時とうじ貴族きぞくたち宴会えんかい開きながらさくら愛でていました 江戸時代えどじだい1603-1867ねんなると一般いっぱん庶民しょみんにも広まり今日こんにちようなかたちなりました

現代げんだい花見はなみでは友人ゆうじん家族かぞく会社かいしゃ同僚どうりょうなど一緒いっしょさくらしたシート広げお弁当おべんとうもの楽しみます よるには提灯ちょうちんともされ夜桜よざくら楽しむひと多くいます

花見はなみ日本人にほんじんにとってはるおとず祝い新しいはじまり象徴しょうちょうする大切な行事ぎょうじです 外国がいこくからの観光客かんこうきゃくにも人気にんきあり日本にほん美しい文化ぶんか体験たいけんできる機会きかいとして注目ちゅうもくされています


Japanese Hanami Culture

When spring arrives, a traditional event called "hanami" is held throughout Japan. Hanami refers to the custom of enjoying and appreciating cherry blossoms. It typically takes place from late March to early April, with many people gathering in parks and along riverbanks.

The history of hanami dates back to the Heian period (794-1185). At that time, nobles would hold banquets while admiring the cherry blossoms. During the Edo period (1603-1867), the practice spread to the common people, evolving into the form we see today.

In modern hanami, people spread out sheets under cherry blossom trees and enjoy bento boxes and drinks with friends, family, or colleagues. At night, lanterns are lit, and many people enjoy viewing the cherry blossoms illuminated in the evening.

For Japanese people, hanami is an important event that celebrates the arrival of spring and symbolizes new beginnings. It's also popular among foreign tourists, attracting attention as an opportunity to experience Japan's beautiful culture.

*Translated by AI

*Content and word info are for learning purposes and may not be 100% accurate.


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