Japan's Earthquake Early Warning System
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日本は世界有数の地震大国であり、高度な地震予知システムを構築しています。 全国約1,900カ所に設置された地震計ネットワークが、24時間体制で地殻変動を監視しています。これらのデータは気象庁に集められ、緊急地震速報として活用されています。
地震予知の基本原理は、P波(初期微動)とS波(主要動)の到達時間の差を利用することです。P波は伝わる速度が速いものの揺れは小さく、一方でS波は速度は遅いが大きな揺れをもたらします。 この特性を活かし、P波を検知してから本震(S波)が到達するまでの数秒から数十秒の間に警報を発することが可能となっています。
Japan's Earthquake Early Warning System
Japan, being one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries, has developed an advanced earthquake early warning system. A network of approximately 1,900 seismometers installed throughout the country monitors crustal movements 24 hours a day. This data is collected by the Japan Meteorological Agency and used for earthquake early warnings.
The basic principle of earthquake detection relies on the time difference between P-waves (initial tremors) and S-waves (main shock). P-waves travel faster but cause minimal shaking, while S-waves are slower but cause major shaking. Using this characteristic, the system can issue warnings in the crucial seconds to tens of seconds between detecting P-waves and the arrival of the main shock (S-waves).
However, current technology cannot completely predict earthquakes. In particular, there are limitations in accurately predicting the magnitude and epicenter of earthquakes.
Of particular concern are the anticipated Nankai Trough earthquake and the directly below Tokyo earthquake. The Nankai Trough earthquake is predicted to have a 70-80% chance of occurring within the next 30 years, with potential casualties estimated at up to 320,000 people.
In this context, disaster prevention experts are shifting their focus from "prediction" to "disaster mitigation." They emphasize the importance of comprehensive disaster prevention measures, including earthquake-resistant building construction and evacuation drills.
*Translated by AI
*Content and word info are for learning purposes and may not be 100% accurate.