The Fascinating Connection Between Gut Bacteria and the Brain

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わたしたち腸内ちょうない にはやく100兆個ちょうこもの細菌さいきん存在そんざいしていますが、最新さいしん 研究けんきゅうではこれら細菌さいきんのうはたら直接的ちょくせつてき影響えいきょうあたえている ことがかってきました腸内ちょうない環境かんきょうみだ不安ふあんストレスさらに睡眠すいみんしつにまで影響えいきょうあたえる仕組しく解明かいめいされつつあります



食事しょくじによる腸内ちょうない細菌さいきんコントロール ある程度ていど可能かのうであることがわかってきましたたとえば食物しょくもつ繊維せんい豊富ほうふ食事しょくじ2-4週間しゅうかんつづけることでセロトニン産生さんせい関与かんよする細菌さいきん増加ぞうかする ことが確認かくにんされていますとく発酵性はっこうせい食物しょくもつ繊維せんいふく野菜やさいオリゴとうふく食品しょくひん効果的こうかてきとされていますまた発酵はっこう食品しょくひんふくまれる乳酸菌にゅうさんきん摂取せっしゅストレス耐性たいせいたかめる可能性かのうせい示唆しさされています



The Fascinating Connection Between Gut Bacteria and the Brain

Our intestines are home to approximately 100 trillion bacteria, and recent research has revealed that these microorganisms have a direct impact on brain function. Scientists are beginning to understand how imbalances in the gut microbiome can influence anxiety, stress, and even sleep quality.

One particularly intriguing discovery is that certain gut bacteria have the ability to produce neurotransmitters.

For instance, bacteria from the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera have been found to play a role in the production of crucial neurotransmitters such as serotonin and GABA. Serotonin, often referred to as the "happiness hormone," is essential for regulating mood and emotions. In fact, about 90% of the body's serotonin is produced in the gut.

It has also been found that gut bacteria can be influenced through diet. Studies show that maintaining a high-fiber diet for 2 to 4 weeks can increase the population of bacteria involved in serotonin production. Foods rich in fermentable fiber, such as certain vegetables, and those containing oligosaccharides are particularly effective. Additionally, consuming probiotics from fermented foods may enhance stress resilience.

In recent years, fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has gained attention as a treatment for certain intestinal infections, showing promising results. However, its application to mental health conditions remains an area of ongoing research.

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*Content and word info are for learning purposes and may not be 100% accurate.


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