"Bath Cancellation" is Trending on social media: A shift in Bathing Culture
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日本人の入浴習慣は、時代とともに大きく変化してきました。平安時代(794 – 1185年)の貴族は月に数回しか入浴しませんでした。江戸時代(1603 – 1868年)になると、都市部では銭湯文化が発展して、人々は週に2〜3回お風呂に入るようになりました。
現在、生活スタイルの変化や忙しさから、お湯に浸からず シャワーだけの人は少なくありません。皮膚科医からは「必要以上の入浴や石鹸の使用は、皮膚の保湿機能を低下させる可能性がある」という指摘もあります。また、水資源の節約という観点からも、入浴頻度の見直しを支持する声があります。
"Bath Cancellation" is Trending on social media: A shift in Bathing Culture
Recently, particularly among younger generations, the term "bath cancellation" has been gaining attention. In Japan, there's a widespread belief that "not taking a bath and washing your hair daily is unclean." However, a more relaxed attitude toward skipping baths, such as "I'm tired today, so I'll skip it," has been spreading lately.
Japanese bathing habits have changed significantly over time. During the Heian period (794-1185), nobles only bathed a few times per month. In the Edo period (1603-1868), public bath culture developed in urban areas, and people began bathing 2-3 times per week.
The changes during the Showa era are particularly interesting. A 1932 Kao shampoo advertisement featured the slogan "At least twice a month!" Three years later, in 1935, their advertisement read "Wash your hair once a week!" This shows that daily bathing was not yet common during this era. However, when homes with private baths became widespread during the period of rapid economic growth, the notion of daily bathing quickly became "standard." By 1983, advertisements were promoting "washing daily."
Currently, due to changing lifestyles and busy schedules, many people opt for showers without soaking in the bath. Dermatologists point out that "excessive bathing and soap use may decrease the skin's moisturizing function." There are also voices supporting the review of bathing frequency from a water conservation perspective.
Will the Japanese "norm" of washing hair daily continue to change in the future?
*Translated by AI
*Content and word info are for learning purposes and may not be 100% accurate.