A New Mode of Transportation: Electric Kickboards

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でもまだ課題かだいあります 調査ちょうさでは4わりひとルールまもっていませんでした 信号しんごうまもらないひと車道しゃどうあぶないはしかたするひといます またくるま運転手うんてんしゅからは電動でんどうキックボードえにくく心配しんぱいというこえあります そのため安全あんぜんかた練習会れんしゅうかいなどおこなわれています



A New Mode of Transportation: Electric Kickboards

Recently, more people can be seen riding electric kickboards on the streets. This increase followed a July 2023 law change that allowed anyone 16 or older to ride them without a driver's license. These vehicles have gained popularity for commuting and shopping trips due to their easy rental process through smartphone apps.

A survey in Shibuya showed that about 60% of riders follow the rules correctly. More people are following regulations such as riding on the left side of the road and staying off sidewalks. In particular, the number of people riding on sidewalks has decreased, with 90% now using the road properly.

However, challenges remain. The survey found that 40% of riders don't follow the rules. Some people ignore traffic signals or ride dangerously on roads. Car drivers have also expressed concerns about the visibility of electric kickboards. In response, safety training sessions are being conducted.

While many people still view electric kickboards as dangerous, they are gradually becoming established as a new form of urban transportation. Not only are more people renting them, but purchases are increasing as well. It's crucial for riders to strictly follow rules and prioritize safety as these vehicles become more common.

*Translated by AI

*Content and word info are for learning purposes and may not be 100% accurate.


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