Initiatives to Reduce Food Waste


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また、「TABETE」などフードシェアリングプラットフォーム台頭たいとう注目ちゅうもくあたいする消費しょうひ期限きげんちかづいた食品しょくひん割引わりびき価格かかく購入こうにゅうできるアプリとく都市としわか世代せだい中心ちゅうしん利用りようしゃ増加ぞうかしているさらに規格外きかくがい農産物のうさんぶつ有効ゆうこう活用かつよう進んでおりわるものの 品質ひんしつには問題もんだいない野菜やさい果物くだもの加工かこう食品しょくひん原料げんりょうとして活用かつようするひろがっている



Initiatives to Reduce Food Waste

In Japan, approximately 5.7 million tons of food is wasted annually, making this an urgent issue requiring immediate attention. This amount is equivalent to about 1.6 times the global food aid volume and represents a serious environmental challenge. However, in recent years, innovative initiatives to address this issue have been emerging across various sectors.

Particularly noteworthy is the introduction of AI-powered demand forecasting systems. These enable retailers and restaurants to calculate more accurate order quantities by combining sales data with weather information and local event information. Some businesses that have implemented these systems report roughly 25% reductions in food waste compared to previous levels.

The rise of food-sharing platforms like "TABETE" is also worth noting. Apps that allow users to purchase food approaching its expiration date at discounted prices are gaining popularity, especially among young urban users. Furthermore, there are growing efforts to utilize non-standard agricultural products, with initiatives to use vegetables and fruits that may look imperfect but are perfectly good quality as ingredients in processed foods.

While these technological innovations and changes in consumer awareness are steadily advancing food waste reduction, challenges remain to be solved. For example, there are issues with logistics costs in food bank operations and the need for legal frameworks regarding food donations. Moving forward, public-private partnerships will be essential to address these challenges.

*Translated by AI

*Content and word info are for learning purposes and may not be 100% accurate.


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