Japanese New Year - Literally Just Eating and Sleeping. (and Eating Again)



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  • Hello everyone!

    Happy New Year! This is a New Year's greeting.

    It's a New Year's Greeting "Happy New Year" It's a bit long, so "Akeome" is fine too

    But "Akeome" is casual It's OK for friends and family For other people It might be a bit rude

    2025 has begun How is everyone doing? Did you all have a New Year's break And a Christmas break? What did you do?

    As for me, I ate too much Yes, it's the same every year Every year I eat too much

    During New Year's, we eat a lot Sleep and watch meaningless TV That's what it's all about This is Japan's New Year tradition

    Most Japanese people Spend New Year's like this, I think

    Of course, not everyone does Well, it's a happy thing Being so full that You feel like you can't eat anymore There's no feeling more luxurious than this We must be grateful

    Also during New Year's, we go for hatsumode (first shrine visit) I didn't go Do you know what hatsumode is?

    You go to a shrine for New Year's And say "Please take care of me this year too" "May my family stay healthy this year too" Or make wishes about goals - "May I achieve my goals" And such prayers This is hatsumode

    Today I'd like to talk about my New Year's and the Japanese New Year traditions.

    Let me first talk about my New Year's. Well... I ate. I ate a lot. It was delicious, it was fantastic.

    Well, I'm from Kobe. Kobe is in Kansai. It's in western Japan. Now I live in Tokyo.

    So at the end of December, I went back to Kobe by bullet train. And on New Year's Eve... New Year's Eve is December 31st It's the last day of the year.

    On New Year's Eve, I watched meaningless TV And sushi. I ate sushi. I ate a lot. Salmon, toro (fatty tuna), ikura (salmon roe), buri (yellowtail) And various other things.

    And on the night of December 31st, It's a Japanese tradition to eat soba noodles After dinner So we're already full, you know.

    Yes, I was Full again this year too, so I only ate a little bit This is a Japanese tradition It's called Toshikoshi Soba (Year-crossing noodles)

    And this year, probably I went to sleep without doing the countdown I was sleepy so I went to bed Did you all do a countdown?

    Ah, and overseas there are often fireworks, right? I wonder if we have them in Japan? Maybe in Tokyo and other big cities But in my life, I've never heard stories Of people watching fireworks during New Year's

    So Japanese people probably don't do fireworks Or watch them during New Year's Most Japanese people on New Year's Eve Are at home, not outside, at midnight

    At home eating soba Lounging around watching TV This is Japanese New Year's

    Of course It might be gradually changing I don't know At least for me and my friends That's how it is

    And here comes the fun part On January 1st this year, I ate osechi ryori Osechi ryori This is a special New Year's bento It's like a bento box It has very big and luxurious foods in it

    For example, shrimp, oysters, abalone Oops, I only mentioned shellfish Um... salmon roe, eggs, fish, meat Many types of food Are included in small portions

    And not all of them, but Some of the foods have special meanings

    For example, um A food called kazunoko... What was it again? Wait, I forgot Let me check Just a moment

    Thanks for waiting~ I checked Well Kazunoko represents prosperity of descendants So it means hoping for children and grandchildren And for the family to become lively That's its meaning

    And kuromame (black soybeans) The black beans represent health And then there's kurikinton Which is made with chestnuts and sweet potatoes It's sweet and delicious This represents money - hoping for money to come in That's its meaning

    And there's kamaboko too Kamaboko is a food made from fish Kamaboko's colors are red and white These red and white colors are celebratory colors in Japan They're congratulatory colors It's a good color combination So we eat it often during New Year's

    And there are others Like wishing for long life Or success in studies Hoping to do well There are foods with various meanings

    Yes, in osechi ryori there really are Many different foods included Many different dishes included Osechi ryori is really delicious and It's one of the pleasures of New Year's every year

    We also eat mochi Mochi... rice cakes Do you all like it? On New Year's morning... morning? afternoon? Anytime is fine, I guess We drink soup with mochi in it This soup is called ozoni

    Mochi and a bit of vegetables and chicken maybe? This varies by household By family, I think And by area, by region too I think it's different This is delicious too

    And after that, I had barbecue I ate yakiniku I ate lots of ice cream And what else? I had kani shabu, kani shabu

    It's crab shabu-shabu It was delicious Kani is crab Shabu-shabu is like a hotpot You put the crab in the hotpot And do shabu-shabu to eat it You cook your own crab and eat it It was really delicious

    Well, that's how it is During New Year's we eat lots of delicious things My mother prepares Lots of dishes every year We should be grateful

    This is how it goes from January 1st to January 3rd Every day eating lots of delicious things Relaxing watching TV Meeting and talking with family and friends

    Japanese New Year's Is about a week long Work also takes about a week off This year, most people working at companies Company employees returned to work From Monday, January 6th

    This year we had a 9-day holiday 9 days of vacation And then returned to work

    How was everyone's New Year's? What did you do? Today I talked about Japanese New Year's Or maybe it was more about my New Year's

    Thank you for listening until the end See you again~

*Tap words on the transcript(smartphone/tablet) or hover over(PC) to see info.



Step 1

Check the keywords and listen to the episode:

  1. しょうもない – worthless/meaningless/pointless [casual] [1:25]

  2. 達成する(たっせいする)– to achieve/to accomplish [2:35]

  3. 豪華な(ごうかな)– luxurious/gorgeous/fancy/big [6:48]

  4. 〜すぎる – too much~/excessive~ [1:08]

    Connection : [i adjective without “い”/na adjective/verb stem] + すぎる

  5. 〜に限る – nothing better than~/the best thing is~ [1:27]

    Connection : [noun/verb dictionary form] + に限る

  6. 〜ないといけません – must/have to [2:02]

    Connection : [verb negative plain form] + といけません

  7. 〜によって違う(ちがう) – depending on~/varies by~ [10:24]

    Connection : [noun] + によって + ちがう


Step 2

Let’s practice:

  • Ex. 柔道で黒帯をとりたいです。

    Q. What do you want to achieve this year?
    A. I want to get a black belt in judo.

  • Ex.はい、TikTok動画を見るのが好きです。

    (はい、TikTok どうがを みるのが すきです。)

    Q. Do you have any pointless things that you like?
    A. Yes, I like watching TikTok videos.

  • Ex. 部屋の掃除をしないといけません。

    (へやの そうじを しないといけません。)

    Q. What do you have to do on the weekend?
    A. I have to clean my room.

  • Ex. 夏は冷たいビールに限ります。

    (なつは つめたい びーるに かぎります。)

    Nothing beats a cold beer in summer.

  • Ex. 料理の味は作る人によって違います。

    (りょうりの あじは つくるひとに よって ちがいます。)

    The taste of cooking varies depending on who makes it.



Based on the episode, select all the statements that match what was mentioned:


(にほんの おしょうがつの でんとうについて、ただしいものを すべて えらんでください)

A. 大晦日にそばを食べる(おおみそかに そばを たべる)

B. みんな初詣に行く必要がある(みんな はつもうでに いくひつようがある)

C. 花火を見るのが人気(はなびを みるのが にんき)

D. おせち料理を食べる(おせちりょうりを たべる)

  • AとD

    Q1. Select all correct statements about Japanese New Year traditions:

    A. Eating soba on New Year's Eve
    B. Everyone must visit a shrine for hatsumode
    C. Watching fireworks is popular
    D. Eating osechi ryori (traditional New Year's foods)



(おせちりょうりについて、ただしいものを すべて えらんでください)

A. 全ての料理に特別な意味がある(すべての りょうりに とくべつな いみが ある)

B. 赤と白はめでたい色とされる(あかと しろは めでたいいろと される)

C. 黒豆は健康を願う意味がある(くろまめは けんこうを ねがう いみが ある)

D. おせち料理は12月31日に食べる(おせちりょうりは 12がつ31にちに たべる)

  • BとC

    Q2. Select all correct statements about osechi ryori:

    A. Every dish has a special meaning
    B. The red and white colors are considered auspicious
    C. Black beans represent a wish for good health
    D. People eat osechi ryori on December 31st



Step 1 ✏️

Use the template below to write about your favorite food tradition:




_____________。(Add one or more sentences freely)






  • お正月の時、お雑煮(餅のスープ)を食べます。


    During the New Year, we eat ozoni (a soup with mochi).
    I make it myself.
    Ozoni has the meaning of longevity.
    Since mochi can easily get stuck in the throat, we eat it carefully. It’s very delicious.

    During _____, I eat ____.
    [____ make it / I eat it at _____ / I buy it at ______.]
    ______ has [the meaning of ______ / no particular meaning ]


Step 2 🗣️

Answer topic-related questions from the episode(as if you were talking to your friend):

If possible, talk with your language partner or use AI like ChatGPT to get feedback.

  1. あなたはお正月をどう過ごしましたか?

  2. 冬休みがありましたか?何をしましたか?

  3. ホストはお正月に食べすぎましたが、あなたは何かをしすぎたことはありますか?

    1. How did you spend your New Year's holiday?

    2. Did you have a winter break? What did you do during that time?

    3. The host talked about eating too much during New Year's - have you ever overdone something? (For example: shopping too much, sleeping too much, working too much, etc.)


Extension Activities

Want to explore more? Try these tasks!

  • 理解できるまで聞いてみよう。(聞く→スクリプトと一緒に聞く→意味を確認→意味を分かった上でもう一度聞く)

    Keep listening until you understand.

    [Listen → listen while following along with the script → Check the meaning → Listen again with understanding]

  • ポットキャストから、いろんなフレーズを真似して言ってみよう。ホストになりきって気持ちを込めてモノマネしよう!

    Mimic various phrases from the podcast. Try imitating the host with feeling!

  • ページ下の単語一覧をチェックしてみよう。

    Check more picked up vocabulary at the bottom of the page.

  • ミニライティングに挑戦しよう。できればAIからのフィードバックを受けよう。

    Mini Writing: Write about your typical "lazy day" routine

    If possible, use AI like ChatGPT to get feedback.


    1. What do you do on your perfect lazy day?

    2. What kind of food do you enjoy while relaxing?

    3. Why are these relaxing days important to you?

    4. Share a memorable lazy day experience.


[More picked up vocabulary]

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*Translated by AI

*Content and word info are for learning purposes and may not be 100% accurate.



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