Silent Sushi and Kids Fighting Demons with Beans. Setsubun.



Interactive Japanese Text with Enhanced Features







いやいやまだまださむでしょ ってかんです

まあむかしひとめたことなので しょうがないです

そして 今年ことし2がつ2にちでした




ただこれは 124ねんぶり2がつ2にち節分せつぶんでした



わたしずーっと節分せつぶん2がつ3にちイベント おもっていたので

カレンダーたら 今年ことし2がつ2にちなっててびっくりしました

はいこの節分せつぶん っているひとおおかもしれません



恵方巻えほうまき それは簡単かんたんうとなが寿司すしです


今日きょうこの恵方巻えほうまきまめまきについて はなします



よく海外かいがい日本にほんレストラン rollっていう寿司すしあります


でも普通ふつうカットしてあります ってあります






節分せつぶんではしゃべらない寿司すし全部ぜんぶべたら ねがかな?




べつしゃべってしまって なに問題もんだいないです

ただ一応いちおうしゃべらべたらなんかいいことあるかも というかんです




毎年まいとしだれめるのかわかりません この方角ほうがくいい方角ほうがくです っていうニュースあります

だからその方角ほうがくいて しゃべらない寿司すし全部ぜんぶべます


この恵方巻えほうまき文化ぶんか もともと関西かんさいだけ文化ぶんかでした

でもたぶんとうさんかあさん よるはんメニューめやすい


だんだん 日本にほんいろんな地域ちいきひろがりました

理由りゆうわたし勝手かって想像そうぞうです 本当ほんとうわかりません


節分せつぶん寿司すしだけいいから うれしいってってました



まめ bean まめげます おにげます






このかたまめおにめん おにマスク?めん?スーパーならます


そしてみんな まめおにいっぱいげてはらいます


おにあーもうこんないえきら」 「いく」「げるってって いえます


ほかまどけてまめげたり いえなかまめげたりします

そのときおにそとふくうち!」 ってながらげます

この意味いみおにデーモン わるものそと

いいものハッピーもの うちなかという意味いみです

なんまめなんでしょう すごいパワーあるみたいです

わたしいえではそとまめげるとき お母かあさん

掃除そうじ大変たいへんだから もう12だけしてって ってました


そしてげたあと いえまめべます

としかず 年齢ねんれいおなかずべます


意味いみかりません理由りゆうかりません でも一応いちおうそれ伝統でんとうです




たとえば8さいだけど 20とか30とかたぶんべていました




園長えんちょう先生せんせい それは幼稚園ようちえん一番いちばんえら先生せんせいです






本当ほんとうこわかおおに教室きょうしつって トラウマなります







わたし大人おとななってから ほとんど毎年まいとし節分せつぶんことわすれています

まあそういうイベントです 気軽きがるイベントです はい

今日きょう最後さいごまでいてくれて ありがとうございました じゃあまた

  • Hello everyone, this is Mana.

    How are you?

    Today I'll talk about Setsubun.

    Setsubun - do you know about it?

    In Japan, we have Setsubun every year on February 3rd.

    Setsubun - it's the beginning of spring.

    Well, well, it's still cold, isn't it?

    That's how it feels, right?

    Well, it was decided by people from the past,

    so there's nothing we can do about it.

    And you know what?

    This year it was on February 2nd.

    Not the 3rd, but the 2nd.

    This is quite rare, you know.

    Actually, the Setsubun in 2021 was also on February 2nd.

    But this was

    the first time in 124 years that Setsubun fell on February 2nd.

    It's really rare.

    Usually, it's on February 3rd.

    I had always thought Setsubun was an event on February 3rd,

    so when I looked at the calendar

    and saw it was on February 2nd this year, I was surprised.

    Yes, for this Setsubun,

    many of you might know this, but

    we do two things.

    The first is eating Ehomaki.

    Ehomaki -

    simply put, it's a long sushi roll.

    The other one is bean throwing.

    Today I'll talk about these Ehomaki and bean throwing.

    Ehomaki is a long sushi roll.

    This type of sushi is called Makizushi.

    You often see sushi called "roll" at Japanese restaurants overseas, right?

    This type of sushi is Makizushi.

    But usually it's cut up, right?

    It's cut into pieces.

    But for this Setsubun event, we don't cut it.

    You hold the sushi with your hands and eat it.

    One whole roll is eaten by one person.

    And you're not supposed to talk while eating it.

    Why? I don't really know either.

    During Setsubun, if you eat the whole sushi roll without talking,

    your wish might come true?

    They say something good will happen.

    Probably something like that.

    Well, everyone's pretty casual about it.

    It's not really a problem

    if you end up talking.

    Just, well, if you eat without talking,

    maybe something good will happen,

    that kind of feeling.

    And there's one more rule.

    You have to look in a certain direction,

    face a certain direction while eating.

    This direction changes every year.

    I don't know who decides it each year,

    but there's news saying

    "this direction is the good direction."

    So you face that direction

    and eat the whole sushi roll without talking.

    This is the culture of Ehomaki.

    This Ehomaki culture

    was originally just a Kansai region culture.

    But probably because it's easier for parents

    to decide on dinner menu

    and it's convenient,


    it spread to various regions in Japan.

    The reason is just my personal guess,

    I don't know if it's true.

    But at least my mother

    was happy because on Setsubun day she only needed to buy sushi,

    that's what she used to say.

    She was pleased about it.

    And the other thing we do is bean throwing.

    Beans - yes, beans

    We throw beans at demons.

    These beans aren't normal soft beans.

    They're hard beans.

    They're dried, hard beans.

    They're delicious.

    When Setsubun season comes,

    these hard beans and demon masks

    - demon masks? Are displayed at supermarkets.

    And someone in the family puts on the demon mask

    and enters through the entrance.

    Then everyone

    throws lots of beans at the demon to drive it away.

    We shout "Get out!" "Go away!" to drive it away.

    And the demon says "Ah, I hate this house!"

    "I'm leaving!" "I'm running away!" and says

    then leaves the house.

    This is bean throwing.

    We also open windows and throw beans,

    or throw beans inside the house.

    When doing this, we shout "Demons out! Fortune in!"

    while throwing the beans.

    The meaning is demon = demon, right

    Bad things should go outside,

    good things, happy things should be

    inside = within, that's what it means.

    I wonder why beans?

    Seems like they have amazing power.

    At my house, when throwing beans outside,

    my mother would say

    "Because cleaning is difficult,

    just throw one or two," she'd say.

    Inside the house, we'd throw lots of beans.

    And after throwing them,

    we eat the beans from the house.

    We eat the same number as our age.

    I think we eat the same as our age or plus one?

    I don't understand the meaning, I don't know the reason,

    but anyway that's the tradition.

    But in my case,

    because I liked these beans and thought they were delicious,

    I ate more.

    I naturally ate more than my age.

    For example, when I was 8 years old,

    I probably ate like 20 or 30 of them.

    Also, there are bean throwing events outside of homes too.

    For example, it's a very popular event at kindergartens.

    I remember this was quite fun.

    The principal,

    that's the highest-ranking teacher at the kindergarten, right.

    The principal would wear a demon costume

    and put on a really scary, big demon mask,

    and enter the children's classroom.

    And the children would try their best to throw beans.

    This was a fun event.

    Probably some children were crying.

    Well, it is scary, isn't it.

    When a really scary-faced demon comes to the classroom,

    it can be traumatic.

    Yes, today I talked about Setsubun.

    Oh, by the way, I didn't do anything this year.

    During Setsubun, I didn't do bean throwing,

    and I didn't eat Ehomaki.

    I didn't eat it.

    I forgot about it.

    Since becoming an adult,

    I forget about Setsubun almost every year.

    Well, it's that kind of event.

    It's a casual event, yes.

    Thank you for listening until the end today. See you next time.

*Tap words on the transcript(smartphone/tablet) or hover over(PC) to see info.



Step 1

Check the keywords and listen to the episode:

  1. 勝手(な) – Acting according to one's own convenience [5:25]

  2. 偉い – Having high status or being admirable [9:35]

  3. 気軽(な) – Being relaxed and informal [10:59]

  4. 追い払う – to chase away or drive away something that shouldn't be there in the first place [6:48]

  5. 向く – To turn one's body or face in a particular direction [4:16]

  6. ~ぶり – (do something or something happens again) after (a period of time) [1:17]

    Connection: [period of time] + ぶり + の + Noun / [period of time] + ぶり + に + Verb

  7. ~にする – to decide on ~/to make it into ~ (Grammar used to indicate making a choice or changing something into something else) [8:04]

    Connection: [noun] + にする


Step 2

Let’s practice:

  • Ex. はい。5年ぶりに高校の友達に会いました。
    (はい。ごねんぶりに こうこうの ともだちに あいました。)

    Q. After how many years did you meet your friend?
    A. Yes, I met my high school friend after 5 years.

  • Ex. ルームメイトに聞かずに勝手に犬を飼い始めてしまいました。
    (るーむめいとに きかずに かってに いぬを かいはじめてしまいました。)

    Q. Have you ever done something without permission?
    A. I started keeping a dog without asking my roommate.

  • Ex. 明日のお昼はサンドウィッチにします。
    (あしたの おひるは さんどいっちに します。)

    Q. What will you have for lunch tomorrow?
    A. I'll have a sandwich for lunch tomorrow.

  • Ex. 会食で偉い人の服にワインをこぼしてしまいました。
    (かいしょくで えらいひとの ふくに わいんを こぼしてしまいました。)

    Q. Make a sentence using "erai" (important/high-status).
    A. I accidentally spilled wine on an important person's clothes during a dinner.

  • Ex. 先生の方を向いて話を聞きましょう。 (せんせいの ほうを むいて はなしを ききましょう。)

    Q. Make a sentence using "muku" (to face).
    A. Let's face the teacher and listen to what they're saying.



Based on the episode, select all the statements that match what was mentioned:

Q1. 恵方巻きを食べる時のルールとして、正しいものを全て選んでください:

(えほうまきを たべるときの るーるとして、ただしいものを すべて えらんでください)

A. 切って食べる(きって たべる)

B. 決められた方角を向いて食べる(きめられた ほうがくを むいて たべる)

C. 話しながら食べる(はなしながら たべる)

D. 一人で一本全部食べる(ひとりで いっぽん ぜんぶ たべる)

  • B, D

    Q2. Select all correct rules for eating Ehomaki:

    A. Cut it before eating
    B. Face a specific direction while eating
    C. Talk while eating
    D. One person eats the whole roll


Q2. 豆まきについて、正しいものを全て選んでください:

(まめまきについて、ただしいものを すべて えらんでください)

A. 柔らかい豆を使う(やわらかい まめを つかう)

B. しゃべらずに豆を投げる(しゃべらずに まめを なげる)

C. 自分の年齢と同じ数の豆を食べる習慣がある(じぶんの ねんれいと おなじ かずの まめを たべる しゅうかんが ある)

D. 幼稚園では行わない(ようちえんでは おこなわない)

  • C

    Q3. Select all correct statements about Mamemaki:

    A. Soft beans are used
    B. Beans are thrown in silence
    C. There is a custom of eating the same number of beans as your age
    D. It is not performed in kindergartens



Step 1 ✏️

Use the template below to write about your unique or favorite way of eating something:




_______________________。(Add one more sentence freely)





_______________________。(Add one more sentence freely)

  • 変わったカレーの食べ方を紹介します。


    I'd like to share a unique way of eating curry.
    Usually people eat curry with simple toppings, but in Kanazawa, we eat it with tonkatsu topped with sauce and a mountain of shredded cabbage.
    This is because it's been the traditional way since the Showa era.
    Using a fork to eat curry is also unique to Kanazawa curry.

    I'd like to share [my favorite/a unique] way of eating ______ .
    Usually people eat it ____________, but [I/in my region, we] eat it by ____________.
    This is because ____________.
    ____________. (Add one extra sentence of your choice)


Step 2 🗣️

Answer topic-related questions from the episode(as if you were talking to your friend):

If possible, talk with your language partner or use AI like ChatGPT to get feedback.

  1. あなたの国にも、悪いものを追い払う行事はありますか? (あなたのくににも、わるいものをおいはらうぎょうじは ありますか?)

  2. 子供の頃、怖かった行事や思い出はありますか? (こどものころ、こわかったぎょうじやおもいでは ありますか?)

  3. 巻き寿司を食べたことがありますか?どこで食べましたか? (まきずしを たべたことが ありますか?どこで たべましたか?)

    1. Does your country have any events or traditions for driving away bad luck or evil spirits?

    2. Do you have any scary memories or events from your childhood?

    3. Have you ever eaten makizushi (sushi rolls)? Where did you eat it?


Extension Activities

Want to explore more? Try these tasks!

  • 理解できるまで聞いてみよう。(聞く→スクリプトと一緒に聞く→意味を確認→意味を分かった上でもう一度聞く)

    Keep listening until you understand.

    [Listen → listen while following along with the script → Check the meaning → Listen again with understanding]

  • ポットキャストから、いろんなフレーズを真似して言ってみよう。ホストになりきって気持ちを込めてモノマネしよう!

    Mimic various phrases from the podcast. Try imitating the host with feeling!

  • ページ下の単語一覧をチェックしてみよう。

    Check more picked up vocabulary at the bottom of the page.

  • ミニライティングに挑戦しよう。できればAIからのフィードバックを受けよう。

    Mini Writing: Write about your personal food or drink habits/preferences.

    If possible, use AI like ChatGPT to get feedback.


    1. What is your unique food/drink habit or preference

    2. Why you developed this habit (childhood memory, health reason, etc.)

    3. How others react to your habit


[More picked up vocabulary]

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*Translated by AI

*Content and word info are for learning purposes and may not be 100% accurate.



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