Is Kyoto a Good Place to Live? My Experience Living There for 4 Years
皆さんこんにちは 元気ですか?
最近寒いです 皆さんの街は寒いですか?
今日のトークテーマは「京都に住む」です 「京都の生活ってどう?」です 皆さんは京都に行ったことがありますか?好きですか?
私は実は京都に住んでいました 4年間住んでいました その時私は大学生でした
今日はその経験について 話したいなと思います
住む町としての京都 私が実際に住んだ経験 住んで思ったことについて 話したいと思います
まず京都の天気 天気から始めましょうか 京都は夏すごく暑くて冬寒いです
あと京都の町家 わかりますか 町家 古い家 築100年ぐらいの古い家が 京都にはたくさんあります
その家をリノベーションして ホテルにしたり シェアハウスにしたり お店にしたりする人が多いです
ただこの町家 冬本当に寒いです 時々部屋の中が外より寒かったです 理由は分かりません
次。京都の人は?どうですか 京都の人 京都人は SNSとかでね
皮肉 例えば 有名な話の一つは 一人がずっと話していて
なかなか帰れない時 その時に いい時計してはりますね =その時計いい時計ですね みたいなことを言います
これは本当に時計を 褒めているわけではありません 時計を見なさいと もうこんな時間ですよ 帰りたいなあっていうサインを送っています
で私の個人的な経験では 正直京都人が皮肉を言うというイメージはありません
言われたこともありませんし 聞いたこともありません
だからこれはインターネットで 大げさに言われているだけかなって 正直思います
なんかね性格が悪いというより 強い感じだと思います 強い 何か人から嫌なことを言われたら
我慢しない ちゃんと自分の意見を言える そんな強さを持っている女性とか
私は嫌いじゃないです 別に優しいしね 優しいし助けてくれるけど 結構毒舌な人が多かった記憶があります
毒舌 poison(毒) tongue(舌)ですね
ちょっとこう 強い人 言葉が強い人 でもそれが笑える 面白い人が多かった印象です
次。京都で好きな場所は? たくさんあります でも私の好きな散歩コースは やっぱり鴨川です
それは川ですね 川
三条から出町柳まで 鴨川を散歩するのが好きでした
結構大きい川で 川の隣にランニングができるような 歩きやすい道もあります だからよくその道を散歩していました
特に朝早い時間に行くと すごく気持ちいいです
あとは下鴨神社が好きでした この下鴨神社は鴨川の近くにあります
この森は高い木がたくさんあって そのおかげで夏も結構涼しかったです
そしてあんまり有名な観光地じゃないので 人がすごく少ないです
今はどうかな 今は観光客が もっともっとたくさんいるので この神社にも 人がたくさんいるかもしれません
この静かな自然の中で 散歩するのも好きでした
京都のいいところは やっぱり川もあるし 山もあるところだと思います
山が近いので軽いハイキングとかが 簡単にできます
私は鞍馬山に何回か行きました この鞍馬山に鞍馬寺があります これはお寺です ここから貴船神社 これは神社ね 貴船神社まで歩くことができます
次は京都の食べ物です 私は京都に 好きな食べ物がたくさんあります
特に京都のラーメンはレベルが高いです 競争が激しいので本当に美味しいです 美味しくないお店はすぐに潰れます
ラーメンの他につけ麺も美味しいです 私が一番好きな京都のスイーツは 阿闍梨餅です
はい、ではさらに大量のテキストを一度に処理していきます:これはあんこが入っていて 外がもちもちしていて本当に美味しいです
そして出町柳の豆大福 出町ふたば これも美味しいです
ただ私は去年かな京都に行って びっくりしました この大福のお店の前に すごく長い列がありました
これはあんこが入っていて 外がもちもちしていて本当に美味しいです
そして出町柳の豆大福 出町ふたば これも美味しいです
ただ私は去年かな京都に行って びっくりしました この大福のお店の前に すごく長い列がありました
お店の前だけじゃなくて 向かい側 向こう側の道路にも列がありました 本当にびっくりしました
前も列はあったんですけど ここまで長くなかったですね
もし時間がある人 えー列に並ぶのが我慢できる人は よかったら食べてみてくださいね
京都ならではの経験は? 京都でのユニークな経験は? さっき話した通り 京都は古い建物をリノベーションして すごくかっこいい建物にして シェアハウスとかゲストハウスをしている人がたくさんいました
そのシェアハウスに遊びに行ったり ゲストハウスでアルバイトして 観光客の人と話したりするのは すごく楽しかったです いい経験でした
人が多すぎて アルバイトに行くのも大変でした 道に人が多すぎて もう自転車に乗れないみたいな
で車の道を走ったら今度はね タクシーが怖い タクシーからのプレッシャーがすごくて 大変でしたね
京都はサラリーマンがそんなにいなかった記憶があります学生とおじいちゃんおばあちゃんと 観光客と あとは小さいビジネスをやってる 面白い大人がいる街というのが 私の印象です
もちろん会社もありますし 普通に会社員もいますけどね
京都の中心はすごくコンパクトなので 食べ物も歴史もアートも いろんな面白いコミュニティも全部ギュッと詰まっています
新幹線もあるし 地下鉄バスもあるし 買い物する場所もあるし 自然もあるし すごく平らだから自転車に乗りやすいし
ただ散歩するだけでも楽しいし たくさんいいところがありました
私は正直そんなに神社とか お寺とかが大好きな人ではないんですけど
近くに嵐山もあって 嵐山出身の友達に
人が少ない秘密のエリアを教えてもらって そこは景色もすごく綺麗で そういうのも楽しかったです
今日は京都に住んだ経験について 話しました やっぱり観光と住むことは少し違いますね
最後まで聞いてくれて ありがとうございました じゃあまた
Hi everyone
How are you? Are you doing well?
It's been cold recently. Is it cold in your city?
Today's talk theme is 'Living in Kyoto' It's about 'How is life in Kyoto?' Have you ever been to Kyoto? Do you like it?
Actually, I used to live in Kyoto I lived there for 4 years I was a university student at that time
Today I'd like to talk about that experience I want to talk about Kyoto as a place to live My actual experience of living there I want to talk about what I thought while living there
First, let's start with Kyoto's weather Kyoto is very hot in summer and cold in winter
And about Kyoto's machiya (traditional townhouses) Do you know what they are? Machiya - old houses There are many old houses in Kyoto That are about 100 years old
People often renovate these houses And turn them into hotels Or share houses Or shops
But these machiya Are really cold in winter Sometimes the rooms were colder than outside I don't know why
Next, how about Kyoto people? Kyoto people, Kyotoites On social media, you know They're said to be 'often sarcastic'
Sarcasm - for example One famous story is When someone keeps talking and talking And you can't leave At that time They say 'That's a nice watch you have' = 'That's a nice watch' They say something like that
This isn't actually complimenting the watch It means 'Look at your watch' It's like 'Look at the time' Sending a signal that they want to go home This is a famous story about Kyoto people
But from my personal experience Honestly, I don't have the impression that Kyoto people are sarcastic I've never been told anything sarcastic And I've never heard it either
So I honestly think This might just be exaggerated on the internet
It's not really about having a bad personality I think it's more about being strong Strong If someone says something unpleasant They don't just put up with it They can properly express their own opinion There were women with that kind of strength And I think there were men like that too
I don't dislike it They're actually kind They're kind and helpful But I remember there were many people who were quite sharp-tongued
Sharp-tongued - poison tongue Like this Strong people - people with strong words But it was funny I had the impression there were many interesting people
Yes, this is my personal experience
Next. What are my favorite places in Kyoto? There are many But my favorite walking course Is definitely the Kamo River
It's a river, yes, a river I liked to walk along the Kamo River From Sanjo to Demachi-yanagi
It's quite a large river And next to the river there's a path That's good for running and walking So I often walked on that path
Especially when going early in the morning It feels really nice
Also, I liked Shimogamo Shrine This Shimogamo Shrine is near the Kamo River
This shrine has a small forest next to it This forest has many tall trees Thanks to that, it was quite cool even in summer
And since it's not a very famous tourist spot There aren't many people I wonder how it is now Now there are many more tourists So at this shrine too There might be many people
I also liked walking In this quiet nature
The good thing about Kyoto is That it has both rivers And mountains, I think Since the mountains are close, you can easily Go for light hiking
I went to Mount Kurama several times There's Kurama Temple on this Mount Kurama This is a temple From there to Kibune Shrine This is a shrine You can walk to Kibune Shrine This is also a nice walking course
Next is Kyoto's food I have many favorite foods In Kyoto Especially Kyoto's ramen is high level Because competition is fierce, it's really delicious Restaurants that aren't delicious quickly go out of business
Besides ramen, tsukemen is also delicious My favorite Kyoto sweet is Ajari-mochi
It has anko (sweet bean paste) inside The outside is chewy and it's really delicious And the mame-daifuku at Demachi-yanagi Demachi Futaba This is also delicious
But when I went to Kyoto last year I was surprised In front of this daifuku shop There was an incredibly long line Not just in front of the shop But on the opposite side There was a line on the road on the other side too I was really surprised
There used to be a line before But not this long Now it's about three times longer and I was surprised If you have time And if you can be patient enough to wait in line Please try it if you'd like
What are unique experiences in Kyoto? What are unique experiences in Kyoto? As I mentioned earlier In Kyoto, people often renovate old buildings Into really cool buildings And many people turn them into share houses or guest houses
Going to visit these share houses Or working part-time at guest houses And talking with tourists Was really fun It was a good experience
However, during cherry blossom season and autumn leaves season There were too many people Even going to work part-time was difficult There were too many people on the roads You couldn't even ride a bicycle And if you rode on the car road Then the taxis were scary The pressure from taxis was intense It was tough
Well, it was totally fine though I remember there weren't many office workers in Kyoto Students, elderly people Tourists And interesting adults Running small businesses That was my impression of the city
Of course, there are companies And regular company employees too I liked that somewhat peaceful feeling
The center of Kyoto is very compact Food, history, art All sorts of interesting communities are packed together
There's the bullet train Subway and buses Places to shop Nature It's very flat so it's easy to ride bicycles Just walking around is fun There are many good points
To be honest, I'm not particularly A person who loves shrines and temples But I really like this Kyoto atmosphere
There's also Arashiyama nearby A friend from Arashiyama Taught me about a secret area with few people The scenery there was really beautiful That was also fun
That's about it Today I talked about my experience of living in Kyoto Tourist experiences and living there are quite different
Thank you for listening until the end See you again
*Tap words on the transcript(smartphone/tablet) or hover over(PC) to see info.
Step 1
Check the keywords and listen to the episode:
皮肉(ひにく)– sarcasm, irony [21:45]
大げさな(おおげさな)– exaggeration/exaggerated [35:20]
潰れる(つぶれる)– to go out of business [42:15]
もちもち– chewy, soft texture [47:30]
なんとなく– somehow, for some reason [52:10]
~ような気がする – to have a feeling that/feel like [15:25]
Connection: [sentence in plain form] + ような気がする
~し – and also/moreover (listing reasons) [38:40]
Connection: [sentence in plain form] + し
Step 2
Let’s practice:
Ex. 私です。私は話が大げさです。
(わたしです。わたしは はなしが おおげさです。)Q. Do you know anyone who exaggerates?
A. It’s me. I exaggerates when I talk. -
Ex. 近所のレンタルビデオ屋さんが先月潰れました。
(きんじょの レンタルビデオやさんが せんげつ つぶれました。)Q. Are there any shops that closed down recently in your area?
A. The nearby video rental shop went out of business last month. -
Ex. 私は駅前のカフェが好きです。安いし、美味しいし、接客も良いです。
(わたしは えきまえの かふぇが すきです。やすいし、おいしいし、せっきゃくも いいです。)Q. Please tell me about your favorite shop and why you like it (using ~し).
A. I like the coffee shop in front of the station. It is reasonable, delicious, and has good service. -
Ex. 今日はなんとなく疲れています。
(きょうは なんとなく つかれています。)
I'm somehow tired today.
Ex. 明日は良いことがあるような気がします。
(あしたは いいことが あるような きがします。)
I have a feeling something good will happen tomorrow.
Based on the episode, select all the statements that match what was mentioned:
Q1. 話者の京都での経験について、正しいものを全て選んでください:
(わしゃの きょうとでの けいけんについて、ただしいものを すべて えらんでください)
A. 京都人からよく皮肉を言われた(きょうとじんから よく ひにくを いわれた)
B. 下鴨神社は観光客が多かった(しもがもじんじゃは かんこうきゃくが おおかった)
C. 鴨川での散歩を楽しんでいた(かもがわでの さんぽを たのしんでいた)
D. シェアハウスに遊びに行った(しぇあはうすに あそびにいった)
C, D
Q2. Select all correct statements about the speaker's experience in Kyoto:
A. Often received sarcastic comments from Kyoto locals.
B. Shimogamo Shrine was crowded with tourists.
C. Enjoyed walking along the Kamogawa River.
D. Visited share houses.
(きょうとの とくちょうとして、ただしいものを すべて えらんでください)
A. サラリーマンが多い街である(さらりーまんが おおい まちである)
B. 自転車で移動しやすい(じてんしゃで いどうしやすい)
C. コンパクトな街である(こんぱくとな まちである)
D. 自然が少ない(しぜんが すくない)
B, C
Q3. Select all correct statements about Kyoto's characteristics mentioned:
A. Many office workers in the city.
B. Easy to get around by bicycle.
C. A compact city.
D. Little nature.
Step 1 ✏️
Use the template below to write about a city/town where you live/lived:
このまちのいいところは、しぜんもぶんかもたのしめるところです。I used to live in Kyoto.
The climate is hot in summer and cold in winter. Recommended foods are Kyoto ramen and Ajari mochi.
A recommended place is Kamogawa River. I often went for walks.
The good thing about this city is that you can enjoy both nature and culture.
I [used to live/live] in ________.
The climate is ___________. Recommended foods are ___________.
A recommended place is __________. I often __________.
The good thing about this city is that _________________.
Step 2 🗣️
Answer topic-related questions from the episode(as if you were talking to your friend):
If possible, talk with your language partner or use AI like ChatGPT to get feedback.
Would you like to live in Kyoto Why?
Would you like to live in a renovated old building? What kind of atmosphere would you like in your home?
Do you or the people around you often use sarcasm?
Extension Activities
Want to explore more? Try these tasks!
Keep listening until you understand.
[Listen → listen while following along with the script → Check the meaning → Listen again with understanding]
Mimic various phrases from the podcast. Try imitating the host with feeling!
Check more picked up vocabulary at the bottom of the page.
Mini Writing: Write about your experience living in a city/town
If possible, use AI like ChatGPT to get feedback.
About the city (urban/rural, lively/quiet, etc.)
Places you often visited (shops, parks, restaurants, etc.)
What you liked/found challenging about the city
A memorable experience
[More picked up vocabulary]
*Translated by AI
*Content and word info are for learning purposes and may not be 100% accurate.