Do Japanese People Find Perfume Scents Overwhelming?


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おお日本人にほんじん香水こうすいつよかおあまかお苦手にがてですとく電車でんしゃオフィスレストランなどひとおお場所ばしょでは香水こうすいあまりつけないひとおおです。 これは、ほかひと迷惑めいわくかけたくないからですそのわりあつなつにはさわやかかお制汗剤せいかんざい汗拭あせふシートよく使つかいます

でも日本人にほんじんかおきらわけではありませんむしろやさしいかお大好だいすです。 お風呂ふろではかお入浴剤にゅうよくざいトリートメント使つかったりいえではかおするルームフレグランスたのしんだりします洗濯せんたくとき、いいかお柔軟剤じゅうなんざい使つかひとおおです




Do Japanese People Find Perfume Scents Overwhelming?

Japan has a long history of subtlety when it comes to scents. Traditionally, Japanese people have not favored strong fragrances, and this preference remains unchanged today.

Many Japanese people dislike strong or overly sweet perfumes, especially in crowded places like trains, offices, and restaurants. Because they are conscious of not disturbing others, many avoid wearing heavy fragrances in public. Instead, during the hot summer months, they often use lightly scented deodorants or body wipes to stay fresh.

However, this does not mean that Japanese people dislike scents altogether. In fact, they love gentle and subtle fragrances. For example, many enjoy scented bath products, hair treatments, and room fragrances at home. Fabric softeners with pleasant aromas are also widely used.

Among younger generations, light perfumes and scented hand creams have become popular. Particularly citrus scents like lemon and orange, clean soap fragrances, and natural scents reminiscent of forests or the ocean are well-loved.

In summary, while strong scents are generally avoided, soft and refreshing fragrances are highly appreciated in Japan. This preference is likely influenced by both traditional cultural values and modern lifestyle habits.

*Translated by AI

*Content and word info are for learning purposes and may not be 100% accurate.


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